Terms of use

  1. Subject matter and scope of these Terms of Use
    1. These Terms of Use apply to all business relationships between registered users and/or customers of this website and the Half staircase Ltd. as the provider. The version current at the time of the conclusion of the contract shall be authoritative.
  2. Online store: Offer, order and conclusion of contract
    1. The presentation of services or other benefits of consulting, training and education on the website demo.halexio.com do not represent a legally binding offer, but merely an invitation to order. It may well be that here and there times errors occur in the description of services or a price. Therefore, we as a provider check an incoming order again if necessary and then confirm the conclusion of the contract later (see below).
    2. With the completion of the order process, you submit a binding offer to conclude the contract. The contract is effectively concluded by acceptance of the offer by the provider. The acceptance of the contract and thus the effective conclusion of the contract takes place by e-mail. The sending of a confirmation of receipt for an order does not constitute a conclusion of contract.
    3. You have the option to print out the terms of use during the ordering process and before concluding the contract. To do this, simply use the print function of your browser. The data entered during the order process will be displayed before the order process is completed. Necessary corrections can still be made.
    4. There is no right to conclude a contract and/or register as a user of this website. As a provider, we allow ourselves the freedom to reject any offer of a customer to conclude a contract without giving reasons. We offer our services exclusively to entrepreneurs within the meaning of § 14 BGB or public bodies. Our offers are not directed to consumers.
  3. Registration
    1. In order to use certain free or chargeable services on our website, you must register as a user. Certain mandatory information must be provided during registration. The data is required to create a so-called customer account. This involves at least the specification of Username, E-mail address and Password. Depending on the service required in each case, however, the specification of further data is also necessary. This includes Company name, First name, Last name, Address, ZIP CODE, Location and VAT identification number, if applicable. Which of these details are mandatory in each case can be seen from the mandatory fields that are given to you when you register as a user on the website.
    2. In the case of chargeable services, the name information and in particular the company name must be correct. The same applies to the address. Invoices are generated automatically on the basis of this information. Should corrections be necessary here, this may lead to additional expenditure, which we would have to charge at an appropriate level after prior consultation, if necessary.
    3. All information provided in connection with registration must be truthful. We take the liberty of blocking users if facts justify the assumption that untruthful information has been provided in connection with the registration or the use of the website. A minimum age of 18 years is required for registration.
    4. In the case of a legal entity, the registration must be made by a natural person with unlimited legal capacity and the right to represent the entity.
  4. Responsibility for access data
    1. The login data provided during registration (user name, password, etc.) must be kept secret and must not be made accessible to unauthorized third parties. A secure password must be selected, if necessary according to the provider's specifications.
    2. The user must ensure that access to and use of chargeable services using the user data is carried out exclusively by the authorized user(s). If there are facts that give reason to believe that unauthorized third parties have gained knowledge of the access data, we should be notified immediately so that we can block or change it.
  5. Note on the right of withdrawal
    1. We do not "actually" offer our services to consumers, but only to companies and public bodies. Provided they are authorized to do so, employees of a company may also place orders for the company. However, there is no right of withdrawal in these cases. However, in order to give private individuals a chance to participate in certain online courses or other services, we may also offer consumers the opportunity to purchase our services. Consumers are informed about their right of withdrawal in the ordering process.
  6. Payment
    1. The possible methods of payment (e.g. invoice, credit card or direct debit) may vary per product. The options of the payment method are indicated during the order processing and before sending your order.
    2. Customers always receive their invoice by e-mail in the form of a PDF document.
    3. Access to the respective offers can be made dependent on prior receipt of payment. For example, in the case of payment by invoice, activation may only take place once the amount has been credited to our account. Normally, however, the activation takes place immediately.
  7. Prices & Maturity
    1. The prices for our benefits/services are listed in the respective product description.
    2. After execution of the order, the customer will receive an invoice for the respective agreed remuneration. The invoice amount is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice and is payable to us within 14 days, unless otherwise stated in the invoice.
  8. Delivery, time of performance & making available
    1. Our services, which are taken up over the Internet side, concern only services. A shipment of goods does not take place.
    2. In the case of virtual products such as downloads or online courses, the customer is given the option of downloading or accessing the online courses via his account area (or a link via e-mail).
    3. The time of performance for our online content is, at the latest, the initial activation of the respective access to the content or to our website after confirmation of the order. After this activation, the contractually agreed period of the product or service begins.
  9. Inclusion Terms of Use, Warranty & Support
    1. In the event of a new order via our online store, the respective current version of the Terms of Use shall be deemed agreed and shall then be effectively included for the respective contractual relationship.
    2. The statutory warranty rights apply to our online store.
    3. If you have any questions regarding the use of our services or in case of functional impairment, you can contact our support. This is provided exclusively by e-mail or via the website itself.
  10. Limitation of liability
    1. The Provider shall be liable for damages of the Customer caused intentionally or by gross negligence, which are the consequence of the non-existence of a guaranteed quality, which are based on a culpable breach of essential contractual obligations (so-called cardinal obligations), which are the consequence of culpable injury to health, body or life, or for which liability is provided for under the Product Liability Act, in accordance with the statutory provisions.
    2. Cardinal obligations are such contractual obligations, the fulfillment of which enable the proper execution of the contract in the first place and the observance of which the contractual partner may regularly rely on, and the violation of which endangers the achievement of the purpose of the contract on the other side.
    3. In the event of a breach of a cardinal obligation, liability - insofar as the damage is only due to slight negligence - shall be limited to such damage as may typically be expected to occur when using the contractual software. In these cases, however, liability is limited to a maximum of € 25,000.00.
    4. In all other respects, liability - on whatever legal grounds - is excluded.
    5. Insofar as our liability is excluded or limited in accordance with the aforementioned provisions, this shall also apply to our vicarious agents.
  11. Access blocking
    1. We may block access to our website temporarily or permanently if there are concrete indications that the user is violating or has violated these Terms of Use and/or applicable law, or if we have another legitimate, substantial interest in blocking access. When deciding whether to block a user, we will give due consideration to the legitimate interests of the user.
  12. Other
    1. The contract is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The place of jurisdiction is the registered office of the supplier, insofar as the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law.
    2. Should individual provisions of this agreement be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In this case, the parties shall cooperate to replace invalid provisions with provisions that correspond as closely as possible to the invalid provisions.
    3. Platform of the European Commission for online dispute resolution (OS) for consumers: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We do not offer services for consumers and are therefore not willing and not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.